World Diabetes Day 2012
New Global Guidelines
Food for Thoughts
A few articles that are worth reading
Lots and lots of information on diabetes, prevention, nutrition etc etc is published on the Internet every day.
DOMDA, the Dominica Diabetes Association looks for you at many of the articles and here are a few that we hand-picked for you.
Really good reading.
WARNING: we want to present you the content of these articles. Be aware that on-line advertising is done on these websites.
DOMDA cannot guarantee the quality of the information or products presented in those advertisements.
Medical Xpress presents you a study for women with gestational diabetes. It shows reduced risk of type 2 diabetes solely through dietary modification.
Click Here or on the image on the left.
This article in Food Consumer gives you information about how Vitamin K1 can be linked to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Click Here or on the image on the left.
And here is another one from Medical Xpress. This Study links diabetic foot ulcers to higher risk of death, heart attack and stroke.
Click Here or on the image on the left.
25 Health Practitioners educated
25 health practitioners educated on self management tools of diabetes
DaVibesm, the Caribbean’s news portal, published on Sept 6th an article about a workshop organized by the Dominica Diabetes Association DOMDA.
CLICK HERE to read the full article.
World Diabetes Congress 2013
A Major Win for the NCD Alliance
7th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to update you with important information about the 7th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and its Complications that will be held in Madrid in November 11-14, 2012.
Call for Abstracts
Abstracts submission is open. You will be able to send your abstract through the new website of the WCPD 2012 (
We encourage you to participate with your posters and oral communications as they are key to show, the great quantity and quality of projects that are being developed Worldwide within prevention of diabetes and its complications, to the scientific community.
Deadline for abstracts submission concludes next May 31st.
Preliminary Programme
The Scientific Committee is willing to offer an outstanding programme. Trying to attract best experts and cover the most relevant topics on prevention of diabetes and its complications is our aim.
The programme will be regularly updated in
On-line registration and accommodation forms
Registration system has already been implemented. You can benefit from early registration fees until July 15th.
If you also want to guarantee your accommodation at the congress venue, make your room reservation now. Please take into account that first-come will be first-served.
New WCPD 2012 website
A new website with lot of new information and features has been developed. We expect that you find it useful.
Should you miss some information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Jaakko Tuomilehto and Rafael Gabriel
Co-Presidents of the WCPD 2012
VACANCY: Education and Health Systems Manager
Sagicor, Rotary Club and DOMDA host public lecture

Photo credit:
Sagicor, Rotary Club and DOMDA host public lecture

Photo credit:
The online news service Dominica Vibes (DaVibes) has published a short article on the public lecture that was hosted by Sagicor, Rotary Club of Dominica and Dominica Diabetes Association on Thursday March 1.
The lecture was delivered by Ms. Anna Evans, a research podiatrist of the Ipswich Hospital in the UK.
Wear soft, closed shoes
Diabetic patients advised to wear soft, closed shoes
Dominica’s national epidemiologist Dr. Paul Ricketts advises diabetic patients to ensure that they wear proper foot gear which is soft, closed shoes at all times.
Patients have to take care of their feet to avoid some of the trauma that goes on and which could ultimately lead to amputations.
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